Pan Celtic 2024 - The Magnum Opus

Pan Celtic 2024 - The Magnum Opus

The 6th of July 2024 sees the start of this year's Pan Celtic Race. With varied annual routes taking in the six Celtic nations; Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Isle of Man, Cornwall and Brittany, the race takes full advantage of the spectacular scenery found in the UK and Northern France, which each Celtic nation offering a unique flavour and character to the event. Jump aboard the 'Welsh Embassy', grab a cup of tea and follow the race here.  ⁠


What is the Magnum Opus? In 2024, The Pan Celtic Race will be running 3 routes – A Short, a Full and the Magnum Opus. The “standard” Short and Full routes start with a time-trial on the Isle of Man, finishing in Inverness, Scotland following the conventional format. ⁠

The Magnum Opus is bolted on to the front of the traditional Pan Celtic Race, being a rite of passage for only the hardiest of clan members. Only riders who have completed x2 Pan Celtic Races were eligible, or those who have won previous events. Think of it like a race to the race, with an open format.⁠

Magnum Opus riders will have their own classification in the standings, denoting their 'tough as nails' status and the huge extra distance covered. By the end of the main event, MO riders will have covered roughly 2,200 miles in total. ⁠


Josh Reid

The first finisher from last year's race, Josh will be taking on this year's event, right at the height of a busy year of gravel racing and ultra endurance events. Arguably on amazing form, Josh will be one to watch, as he has unfinished business with the event. 

Despite being the first finisher last year, routing errors and navigation problems resulted in him missing a key checkpoint from the route, incurring a 12 hour time penalty. He'll be looking to redeem that this year and will be at the pointy end of the main event.

josh reid pan celtic


Dylan Smythe

Dylan will be taking part in this year's race with a different aim. He's going to be planting a tree every 20km along the race route to physically mark where he's been and add to the ecosystems he'll be cycling through, creating a living and breathing trail from the event. 

Dylan will be doing this in aid of Parkinsons UK. You can learn more about this amazing cause and follow his race here.


Photos from Thomas Montes @arrieredupeloton & Dan King @dankingphoto_